• One Moment of Love | God is real, Hell is real

    One Moment of Love | God is real, Hell is real

    The devil employs various tactics to attack us in the spiritual realm, often preying on our vulnerabilities and weaknesses. Recognizing these tactics allows us to guard ourselves against spiritual attacks by staying grounded in God’s Word, prayer, and fellowship with other believers. Here are some common ways he may attack you:

  • One Moment of Love | God is real, Hell is real

    The devil employs various tactics to attack us in the spiritual realm, often preying on our vulnerabilities and weaknesses. Recognizing these tactics allows us to guard ourselves against spiritual attacks by staying grounded in God’s Word, prayer, and fellowship with other believers. Here are some common ways he may attack you:

  • One Moment of Love | The New Age Deception

    From personal experience, I feel compelled to speak out. Many individuals unwittingly fall prey to the deceptive tactics of malevolent forces, but now is the time for true soldiers of God to raise their voices! It’s imperative to delve into the teachings of the BIBLE. Often, we engage in a hit-or-miss approach to spirituality, piecing…


    Evergreen Plantation stands as a tribute to the enduring legacy of the American South, boasting 37 meticulously preserved structures listed on the National Register of Historic Places, including 22 slave cabins. Today, this remarkable estate remains a thriving sugar cane plantation, privately owned and operated, serving as both a residence and a workplace. Nestled on…

  • One Moment of Love | Don’t be deceived by music and demonic idols

    Satan’s affinity for music traces back to his involvement in the celestial choir, indicating a deep grasp of its potency. He employs music as a tool to further his agenda in ways that may seem enigmatic or even miraculous. Exploring music’s role in demonic possession unveils two main strategies: employing rhythms to beckon spirits or…

  • TECH | Hackers help find missing people | TRACE LABS

    The story begins with Rob Sell, a professional search and rescue tracker with experience in computer security, who was troubled by the lack of search efforts for many of the thousands of missing persons. In response, Sell founded Trace Labs, a project that harnesses crowdsourcing to involve hackers worldwide in the search for missing people.…

  • One Moment of Love | Watch your words, your mouth is powerful

    Watch your words, what we speak is powerful. We can harm people, hurt ourselves and delay blessings with our tongues. You could bring all kinds of evil in your life just by talking about someone. A lot of times it’s tied to emotions, so if you can control your emotions and be slow to speak……

  • Film | Hole in the Head – The extraordinary life story of Vertus Hardiman

    Hole in the Head: A Life Revealed tells the extraordinary life story of Vertus Hardiman. It is a highly moving and vivid motion picture about the triumph of the human spirit. Additionally, the documentary exemplifies how the lives of two individuals were changed forever through an incredible friendship. After singing next to each other in…

  • Off The Grid | Are shipping container homes a scam? You decide.

    After purchasing my first home a few years ago, I’ve been brimming with ideas on how to transform it into a space that truly reflects my style and personality. Immersing myself in videos on home improvement styles and techniques, I stumbled upon an intriguing trend: shipping container homes and tiny homes. It’s a movement that’s…

  • One Moment of Love | Stay ready for Jesus, he is coming back soon!

    Jesus Warning: Be Ready ALL the time! “Everyone would be ready for him if they knew the exact hour of his return—-just as they would be ready for a thief if they knew when he was coming. So be ready all the time. For I, the Messiah, will come when least expected.” (Luke 12:39-40, Living…

  • Finance | How I learned to read and trade stocks in prison | The story of Curtis “Wall Street” Carroll

    Curtis “Wall Street” Carroll, an incarcerated individual at San Quentin State Prison, is renowned among fellow inmates for his prowess in trading stocks. Despite serving a 54-to-life sentence, Carroll transformed his life by teaching himself how to read and trade stocks while behind bars. Known as “Wall Street” within the prison walls, Carroll has become…

  • Local News NJ | Candy store legend Vincent S. Cardazone Jr. passes away

    I’m truly sorry to hear about the passing of Vincent S. Cardazone Jr. It’s evident from his life story that he was a beloved figure in his community. His legacy will undoubtedly live on in the memories of those who knew him. My condolences to his family and friends during this difficult time. Vincent S.…

  • TECH + MUSIC | Using an iPad for music production

    Written by: Lisa Cormier In recent years, the iPad has become a powerful tool that has revolutionized various industries, including music production. Its versatility, portability, and intuitive interface have made it an appealing choice for both amateur and professional musicians alike. In this blog post, we will delve into the world of music production with…

Burgundy Window

In “Shadows Beneath the Crescent,” Reiney, a young writer seeking solace in New Orleans, discovers a hidden world beneath the city’s vibrant surface. Guided by a local named Bobby, she uncovers a secretive cult using festivals and parades to enact dark rituals. Together, they navigate danger and intrigue, ultimately confronting the cult’s leaders to save the city. Through their courage, they reveal the resilience of New Orleans’ spirit, and Reiney emerges as its guardian.

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